Israel vs Palestine

Sent by Giovanno, Grade 7

Perseteruan Israel dengan Palestina telah terjadi sejak jaman dahulu kala sebelum zaman Masehi. Di dalam Alkitab telah diceritakan adanya seorang pahlawan yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa yaitu pada masa penjajahan Filistin terhadap bangsa Yahudi. Bangsa Filistine merupakan nenek moyang dari bangsa Arab dan Yahudi adalah nenek moyang dari bangsa Israel yang sekarang ini.

Perseteruan Israel dengan Palestina akan terus berlangsung sepanjang umur dunia ini yang merupakan tanda dari "Perjanjian" antara Allah dengan manusia. Jika perseteruan mereka usai, maka hal tersebut merupakan tanda bahwa dunia ini sudah akan berakhir. Makanya jangan bersedih atau gusar dengan sejarah perseteruan mereka yang sepanjang zaman akan berseteru.

Sekarang Indonesia sendiri bagaimana ?
Indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang berdiri dengan sejarah tersendiri yang unik ditengah negara=negara lain di dunia. Indonesia bukanlah negara yang ditakdirkan untuk mengalami perang saudara sepanjang zaman tentunya. Tapi bisa mengalaminya bila memang bangsa ini menghendaki. Dunia terus berputar dan pada suatu saat sautu titik akan kembali ke tempat yang sama. Kehidupan hanyalah sebuah siklus yang berulang-ulang sepanjang zaman. Pagi kembali pagi, siang kembali ke siang, begitu dan begitu seterusnya.

Anne and Mary Boleyn

Sent by Jade, Grade 7

Mary and Anne Boleyn, daughters of the ambitious knight and nieces of the duke of Norfolk are the main characters of this scandalous story of love and ambition.

This story takes place in the early 15th century with Mary (youngest) being wed to William Carey before her sister was, which led to people thinking she was older than Anne. When King Henry VIII was invited to the Boleyn’s manor, Anne’s parents intended for the King to be attracted to Anne, but after a hunting accident, the king happens to fall in love with Mary. Later on Anne secretly marries Henry Percy.

Weeks after the king’s departure from the Boleyn’s Manor, he invited Mary as the main guest and Anne. The queen was also presented to Mary and Anne. After a day of getting acquainted to each other, the king was already desperately in love with Mary, and spent many nights with her. After a few weeks, Mary found out that she was carrying the King’s child after the queen failed to give birth to a boy.

Mary was locked up in her room to avoid the miscarrying of the baby. After a healthy baby boy was born, the king realized that he also had love for Anne, after being bribed. Since at first Anne wanted her sister to be happy with the king, she rejected the king, but after the king swore he would never talk to Mary again, Anne accepted.

The king did not want his son from Mary to be the king if he could get another boy with Anne. After she gave birth to a baby girl, she didn’t want to give up in satisfying the king with a boy. After the she replaced the former queen, she kept trying. After carrying a baby for the second time, within a few months she miscarried it without anyone knowing except Mary and her brother, George. The king had said before that if she couldn’t produce a boy in the second impregnation, she would be sentenced to death. Since she no longer had a baby, she had no other choice but to commit incest with her brother to have another child, because her life depended on it.

George never agreed to do it, but his wife had heard them talking about it, and she immediately reported to the king. Shocked, the king had court assigned with charges against incest and adultery. George was executed on Anne’s charges, followed by Anne, who had been under the king’s defense because of Mary gave up and executed her too.

Japanese Traditional Clothes

Sent by Nicole, Grade 7

Japanese traditional clothes is kimono. They wear kimono for a festival,but some still use kimono for an everyday wear.In fact, a kimono has many kinds. For example, there are a kind of a T-shirt, a blouse, jeans, dress,clothes, and we can choose and have special clothes according to use. Similarly, there is a suitable kimono for the purpose time,place,and occasion. The number of kimono has no less than 17 kinds! Here, six kinds of kimonos are introduced abroade.

Coverage cooperation.

There are kinds of kimono:

Kurotomesode,most classical high formal full dress

Irotomesode,the tome-sode kimono containing the pattern undefined

Hurisode, the kimono which it has on to a coming-of-age ceremony

Iromuji,A kimono without a love scene

Houmongi,The kimono which it can have on freely

Komon,The kimono into which the pattern was inlaid everywhere

Japanese arts are Kabuki, kabuki is a traditional dance-drama from japan. The player are men and they use thick and colorful make up.

They also have shimasen a traditional musical instrument it played by geisha usually.

They also have a musical instrument called koto.It also play by geisha.

Geisha is a japanese entertrainer. The apprentice geisa is called the war with america, they are desperate for money so the sold them self to the american troops to get money.

Geisha use make up and a thick powder with red lipstick.

Japanese people also have a special kind of drawing it called anime, it's a cartoon from Japan.